Koreans plan to open another Kia-Hyundai plant


Over the past seven months, sales in the Russian car market fell by more than a third (35%), however, the Korean companies Kia and Hyundai lost only 18 and 12 percent, respectively. This inspires hope in the company's management. Over the past seven months, sales in the Russian car market have fallen by more than a third (35%), however, the Korean companies Kia and Hyundai have lost only 18 and 12 percent, respectively. This inspires hope in the management of the company.

Earlier, the concern negotiated with the Circassian Derways and a number of other Russian enterprises, but they were not crowned with success. Further, the Korean company considered TagAZ, which was recently vacated after the departure of GM, as an assembly site. The managers expected to receive the contract that GM had for industrial assembly, however, the Americans did not want to share it. The plant was mothballed.

Moreover, GM left the AVTOTOR plant, and now production for Hyundai-Kia has risen significantly in price. Therefore, the concern is urgently looking for production facilities in order to compensate for the market decline.

At the same time, the concern does not stand still. For example, recently assembled cars in Russia began to be exported to the countries of the Middle East.
