Car horoscope for the week from January 1 to January 7


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  1. Autohoroscope from 1 to 7 January
    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Twins
    • Cancer
    • a lion
    • Virgo
    • scales
    • Scorpion
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Fishes

The stars advise all motorists to join together in a round dance and celebrate the main holidays of this January week - the first day of the New Year and Christmas. The roads are full of confusion - everywhere there are scraps of tinsel, rain and something else shiny and incomprehensible. Cars roll with sad faces, empty bottles and cake boxes sticking out of the windows. The chauffeurs are also not very cheerful - in fact, where can you go after such fun? But the traffic cops are now happy with their fate - the patrol guys did a good job during the holidays and may generally retire (money will also remain for the grandchildren).

Autohoroscope from 1 to 7 January


Aries, the stars don't ask how you spend your holidays. The luminaries can see for themselves, and this week the fun continues. Do not bother to tear off the Christmas tree stickers from the hood, and leave the snowflakes on the windows alone. Better go to visit your friends - your friends have a lot of places in the garage, and your “iron horse” will be happy to talk to your comrades' cars. The main thing is that the cars do not start clinking glasses with gasoline and do not arrange unscheduled fireworks. Yes, and look at the calendar so as not to confuse the holidays with the workers - otherwise you will rush to the service, and there is only one guard, and even he is snuggled up under the tree together with a strange Snow Maiden.


Taurus, this January week you will be skating exclusively about your business. If you forgot to wish your favorite car a Happy New Year, it doesn't matter. Compose rhymes for the "iron horse" and glue the Christmas angels on the windshield, she will not be offended that you left her without a gift. If you want to earn extra money as a private driver, be more attentive to your fellow travelers. Okay, tossing Grandfather Frost on a spree - here you will not go wrong, because he will definitely forget the bag with gifts in the back seat. But if you come across a painted snow woman, beware - the whole car smells of perfume, and it will take a long time to talk to the household, and your four-wheeled girlfriend will not forgive you.


Gemini, this road week will be full of adventure and wonder. Holidays continue, and many have days off. Do not forget to rake sweets and tangerines from the festive table, just in case. True, the traffic cops are unlikely to take a tasty bribe - these guys will not miss their own. But a meeting with the patrol boys does not threaten you - in the Year of the Dog the car will become cautious and will drive around all posts for a kilometer. The stars advise to be careful at the crossings - communal services are resting together, and all the zebras are covered with snow and confetti. Where do the poor pedestrians go? In addition, half of the two-legged creatures have not yet retired from the celebration and wander along the trails, like at home (in bathrobes and slippers).


Crayfish, wash and comb your hair - the car this winter week will carry only clean and nice guys. But also put your favorite horse in order - the car dreams of being walked around the cabin with a rag and a vacuum cleaner. Now go to the big deals, however, business people still snore. But you can also score arrows with friends - go out of town, play snowballs and go downhill. And the "iron horses" will communicate without you, the main thing is not to eavesdrop on their conversation (you will be surprised when you find out how cars relate to their owners). Traffic jams in these January days are not expected, and where they form, if no one was going to clean the snow drifts.

A lion

Lions, get forgotten cakes from the trunk, take meters of serpentine and rain from the glove compartment - the holiday is over (but the holidays are in full swing). There are many trips expected this week, but all travel promises to be fun. Before setting off, stock up on the essentials. So, write it down. In the first place is a shovel - you will have to work hard, shoveling snow blockages, and understand how difficult the work of road workers is. Further on the list are sausage sandwiches - take more, the machine will endure everything. On the way every now and then we will meet strange guys with blue faces - these are not aliens, do not hope, but completely terrestrial creatures who simply did not move away from the New Year's libations.


Virgo, are you sure you spent the New Year's holiday at home, and not somewhere at the North Pole? The garage is covered with snow, and it feels like the paths haven't been cleared for weeks. You can go for the trick and promise your friends that you will take a fancy car ride. While the naive buddies are waving their shovels in unison, prepare food for the picnic. And do not forget to warm up the car, although the stars are not sure that the “iron horse” stood peacefully in the stall and froze while you danced. Gasoline is at zero, not otherwise the machine was rolling on deserted country roads on holidays (this is what a four-wheeled comrade has such a pleased and cunning face).


Libra, this January week will be full of miracles and magic. What you will not see when you drive along the familiar route. Either traffic cops with squirrels in their hands, or pedestrians with devils in their pockets - the whole country was catching red-haired animals and green demons, and some, it seems, were lucky. And you need to get lucky - there will be many opportunities for part-time jobs on these winter days. In traffic jams, you can smoke, serving tea with sandwiches, outside the city it is also easy to cut down a couple of thousand, if you help the lost drunk tourists and show the right way. The machine will not let you down - it will seem that it produces fuel itself (gasoline does not run out and does not end).


Scorpions, New Year has passed, but the tale continues. Not surprisingly, pedestrians and drivers will celebrate Christmas this weekend. Cars will be happy to celebrate this event with us. Traffic cops will also be imbued with a lofty mood - all the guys from the traffic police will become affectionate and friendly. Just look, the wings from under the tunic will cut through. The main thing is that the patrol guys do not start caroling, otherwise they will arrange a review of the song and build, you will not get enough candy on them. Try to look closely at the road - grandmothers are active these days and wander in crowds around the city, collecting shiny gift bags (useful next year) and tangerine skins (they make a very fragrant tea).


Sagittarius, the stars predict an amazing and eventful week. The situation on the highways will be good, because the people will in no way move away from celebrating the New Year, and there are not so many cars on the highways. But full of patrol kids - these are hardworking creatures, even envy takes. Of course, why would the traffic cops stay at home at such and such a fruitful season? Although there are few cars, mostly solid cars (with glove compartments full of green bills) drive. If you are a happy owner of an expensive car, then on these January days it is better to rent a nondescript Zhigulenok - the compassionate traffic police officers will also throw money on gasoline and coffee and buns. Make a sad face, you will also be shown home.


Capricorns, January stars promise a fun week. It will seem that there are only clowns around, although among them there are Santa Clauses, and bears, and hares. Probably, the drivers have not yet woken up after the holidays and think that they are at a children's matinee. And you steer and do not pay attention to the oddities - everything is in order, it should be so. Forecasters sit in a completely different department, and the heavenly bodies are not aware of what the meteorologists have conjured up.But one thing is for sure - the snow will not go anywhere, so do not forget to throw a broom and a scoop into the trunk. Pedestrians are not particularly accurate and some do not even look at traffic lights (wait an extra minute at the zebra crossing, you still have nowhere to rush).


Aquarians, snow is falling, traffic cops are waving their sticks, pedestrians are jumping over snowdrifts - like the owner of the year has changed, but the situation on the roads remains the same. But don't be sad - the January week will be eventful. Autoradio gives out only cheerful New Year songs, occasionally delighting us with the weather forecast. Your car will thank you for leaving it in the garage more often. By the way, it’s not bad to travel by public transport too - the passengers are funny nowadays, and even the conductors don’t grumble (they probably decided to start a new life). Do not forget about skating and skiing - of course, with these things you will not become road users, but you will save on gasoline and improve your health.


Fish, more recently, snow was taken out by dump trucks for ice towns and other festive attributes. But this week there are huge snowdrifts on the tracks again - probably in heaven they decided to arrange a second New Year. Tractors will become the best means of transportation - well, wrinkle your hat with earflaps, sing a song about frost and go. Traffic cops are afraid to slow you down - tractor drivers are unpredictable people. If you decide to ride your favorite "iron horse", do not forget to stroke it - the car needs caress and care after the holidays. It is also advisable to change the butter oil - a sensitive "iron horse" in a dog year prefers the most expensive and high-quality fuel.

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