How to deal with fogging car windows


The content of the article:

  • Climate control system and cabin filter
  • The use of chemicals
  • Films as a Cardinal Approach to Anti-fogging
  • Getting rid of high humidity in the car
  • Other means

Every seasoned car owner knows for sure that wet days, be it autumn, spring or winter, are challenging enough for the driver. The windows in the car begin to fog up mercilessly, visibility drops rapidly and the operation of the vehicle is fraught with negative consequences. Yes, of course, you can wipe the misted glass with a rag, but this will not improve visibility much, since the glass needs to be thoroughly dried. The increased humidity in the cabin does not allow the rag to completely get rid of moisture and provide a normal view without leaving streaks behind.

The fogged windshield causes the greatest inconvenience for the driver, since the road visibility is practically lost. At the same time, fogged side windows should not be ignored, because in this case they block the view of the mirrors. All these factors allow the car enthusiast to think about finding a way out of this situation and facilitate driving conditions in a car with a high humidity environment.

Currently, there are many tools that will help the driver in this matter. In this case, you can seek advice from more experienced drivers or resort to the use of chemicals that can cope with foggy windows. But it is worth remembering that the process of implementing each advice will be in different price categories.

There are a number of recommendations, the implementation of which will allow you to qualitatively protect glass from the effects of a humid environment and at the same time save money. You can also buy chemical products in specialized stores, the cost of which will not exceed 300 rubles. In this case, the choice of each motorist depends on personal preference and life experience.

There are various techniques and options for their implementation in practice, which will be discussed in this article.

Climate control system and cabin filter

A properly configured climate control system is one of the main ways to combat fogging of windows in a car. In any machine that works, you can easily adjust the air flow directly to the glass, which will dry the air and improve visibility. Air conditioner, if available, will help to dry the glass even faster.

But this method also has its own nuances:

  • for fast and high-quality drying, all air flows are directed to the problematic area, i.e. on the glass;
  • turn on the stove even if the car is not cold. Warm air currents will dry the glass much faster;
  • open the windows in the car so that the temperature inside the car equals the temperature outside;
  • the higher the blowing intensity, the higher the glass drying speed.

If, after all the above actions, the result did not meet expectations, you should think about checking the cabin filter. If you have regular windscreen fogging problems, you need to replace the cabin filter. But keep in mind that constantly recirculating air onto the glass is not a good idea. Lovers of air circulation in the cabin should turn on the intake from the outside, but this indicates that it is necessary to keep the cabin filter under control.

The use of chemicals for anti-fogging of glasses

Nowadays, specialized supermarkets and shops offer a wide range of chemicals that manufacturers claim can save you from the problems of fogging the windows inside the vehicle.

The degree of their effectiveness varies greatly, so it is better to study the reviews of the intended product before buying. A number of criteria to be followed when choosing a chemical:

  • before starting work, study the principle of the chemical agent;
  • look at the reviews to choose the most suitable and high-quality product;
  • evaluate the principle of work and the need for the use of other tools;
  • choose the most suitable scent for you, because he will remain after the end of the work;
  • read the attached instructions carefully.

Like any other chemical, it is applied to clean and dry car glass. It is not necessary to use a chemical agent immediately after thorough cleaning of the glass.

There is a possibility that after a good cleaning the glass will stop fogging up. Dirt as a cause of fogging is not uncommon.

Films as a Cardinal Approach to Anti-fogging

Why doesn't the glass in the helmet fog up for a motorcyclist, because according to the laws of physics, the glass of a motorcycle helmet should fog up almost instantly? In fact, it doesn't sweat for about a few hours. The fact is that the glass of an expensive motorcycle helmet is covered with a specialized film that performs the following tasks:

  • preventing the accumulation of moisture inside;
  • ease and simplicity of cleaning;
  • throughout the entire warranty period does not lose professional qualities;
  • the unique technology of the film protects the glass from destruction;
  • ease of installation, comparable to tinting.

When making a cardinal decision on applying this type of film to glass, you should seek help from specialists. This will allow you to select a film that meets all your specified parameters. And the installation of the film itself will be done by professionals quickly and efficiently. At home, sticking a special film will be quite problematic.

Getting rid of high humidity in the car

Controlling the humidity in your car will help you get rid of the fogging problem. High humidity is caused by such reasons as rags left after cleaning the surface, snow on rugs, etc. The higher the humidity level, the more problematic it is to get rid of the fogged up windows. In this regard, there are a number of technologies that help increase the effect of drying the interior:

  • eliminate excess moisture, prevent the accumulation of water on the rugs;
  • do not store damp rags in the cabin;
  • if there are a large number of people in the cabin, then reduce conversations to a minimum;
  • table salt will help to absorb excess moisture;
  • put a small amount of wood litter for the litter box in a cloth bag and put away in a discreet place.

As you already understood, there are a lot of options for eliminating moisture. And they are not so difficult to use. But the result from these funds will not always be expected. Therefore, the windows will most likely have to be cleaned, and maybe even processed.

Other remedies to solve problems with fogged glass

The easiest and most effective way to combat fogging is to clean windows with a regular glass cleaner. This method can permanently eliminate such an urgent problem. You can also highlight other ways to prevent this trouble:

  • adjustment of the salon ventilation system;
  • adjusted guide damper;
  • glass processing with a mixture of an alcohol solution with glycerin;
  • equipping the car with an additional fan.

These methods are often ineffective, but most of them can reduce the intensity of fogging. Of course, they will not give an absolute elimination of the problem.


Applying the above methods in practice, you can get rid of the trouble that has arisen and enjoy the ride in the car. It is worth starting with cheaper methods, and if the result is unsatisfactory, move on to more expensive ones.

If simple methods have not brought the desired effect, then it is worth moving on to the most complex options. This will certainly eliminate the problem, but the cost of such work as processing glass with film is quite high. But often the car owner is ready to pay, because not only comfort, but also safety depends on it. But it is safety in the car that guarantees the health and even life of both the driver and his passengers.
